Grow Conversion Grow Conversion

Conversion is a very important aspect within the success of an (online) business. The conversion rate is the percentage of website visitors, who also take action in your website. For example, making a purchase, contacting the company or starting a subscription.


Here are some tips to grow your conversion rate:


Website optimization

To encourage your website visitors to take action, it is important to optimize your website. A website that is easy to navigate, has a clear layout and loads quickly, for example, ensures that visitors have an optimal browsing experience on your website.

It is also important that the website is optimized for different devices such as an iPad, phone, etc. All this ensures that your conversion rate is increased.


Recognize target audience

If you want to increase your conversion rate as a business, it is important to recognize your target audience. What are the interests of my target audience? What are the behaviours and needs that my customers have?

By responding to all of these questions, you ensure that you can create marketing campaigns in a well targeted way and in addition, you can also offer your customers what they want.


Provide an Optimal Checkout

Every customer wants an easy experience during their checkout process. A customer wants all payment steps completed as quickly as possible.

Make sure you don't have to create an account, for example, to finally pay. After all, a customer doesn't know if they are going to purchase anything yet. Maybe they want to test your products first.

Make it as easy as possible for the customer and later on you can ask the customer if they want to create an account for example. That way, you're also going to be able to get the necessary data.

An optimal Checkout experience will also increase your conversion rate.



Provide good and improved content

To optimize your conversion rate, it is important that you, as a business, provide good content. Your content should contain relevant content that is interesting to your visitors. Provide call-to-action buttons or highlight some benefits of your product or service.

That way, you can increase your conversion rate and prompt the customer to take action.


Run tests and measure your results

Another approach the company can take is conducting A/B testing. In the scenario, you will compare the performance of two different landing pages for the company to determine wich one yields better results. The landing page with the most conversions, ended up winning the test.

You can also use tools that can track the behaviour of your visitors. These then give you insight as to why a customer converts or not.



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Grow Conversion
Grow Conversion
Grow Conversion
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