How to connect and send digital coupons from your Salesforce CRM How to connect and send digital coupons from your Salesforce CRM

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an online automation tool that connects your favorite apps, such as Gmail, Slack, MailChimp, and over 1,000 more. You can connect two or more apps to automate repetitive tasks without coding or relying on developers to build the integration. Move info between your web apps automatically, so you can focus on your most important work. It's easy enough that anyone can build their own app workflows with just a few clicks.

How to connect and send digital coupons from your Salesforce CRM

Automatic sync coupon claims or validations

Zapier’s Coupontools-Salesforce integration allows you to automatically send coupons by email or SMS whenever you set up new leads, contacts, custom objects, and more on Salesforce.

The connection can also be reversed, allowing you to populate Salesforce with new leads, notes, contacts, and more after each social login, coupon claim, or validation.

Need even more control?

  • Combine actions with Multi-Step Zaps to create powerful automated workflows.
  • Use Coupontools Search Actions to lookup a coupon session from new Salesforce items, updating the coupon status (claimed, validated, voided). 

Multi-step example 1:

1) For each new contact in Salesforce
2) Generate a unique single-use coupon URL in Coupontools
3) Send an email to the contact through Constant Contact

Multi-step example 2:

1) After each coupon validation in Coupontools
2) Add the contact to Salesforce CRM
3) Wait 1 week
4) Send a new coupon

The combinations are endless...

Coupontools on Zapier

Click here to find our Zapier invite link.

Looking for something else? Explore all salesforce & Coupontools Zapier integrations and set up your own custom Zap with no programming skill required!
We also have an API & webhooks to create a custom integration with Salesforce without Zapier.

Currently works with Enterprise Salesforce editions and higher.

Do you want to try it out yourself? Create a free trial account!

Do you have any questions? Contact us today!

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How to connect and send digital coupons from your Salesforce CRM
How to connect and send digital coupons from your Salesforce CRM
How to connect and send digital coupons from your Salesforce CRM
How to connect and send digital coupons from your Salesforce CRM 100 10100
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Article published by: Coupontools

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