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Gamification Platform to create Interactive Marketing Games without coding Gamification Platform to create Interactive Marketing Games without coding

Gamification is a powerful marketing tool. It’s a massive motivation trigger for people and helps businesses to reach their objectives in a pleasant way. In this article, I’ll give you an explanation of how the Coupontools software helps you enrich your mobile marketing efforts with gamified coupons.

What are Gamified Coupons?
It’s basically a digital coupon where you play a interactive marketing game before you can win a prize. Those gamified coupons are a significant asset for your mobile marketing efforts, and here’s why.

Why are gamified coupons beneficial for your business?

  • People love interactive marketing games
    Games engage people. Everyone loves a little game, especially the fun and suspense it provides. Coupontools provides various gamified coupon types. Most games are based on luck, but we also provide games based on the player’s skills. Experience our gamified coupons yourself by pressing on the name below. 

    Gamified Coupon Examples: 
    Scratch Card Coupon
    Spin Wheel Coupon
    Slot Machine Coupon
    Memory Game Coupon
    Match2Win Coupon

  • Respond to winners mentality
    People love to win. The chances of redeeming the prize they just won are great. Mainly because they don’t want to miss out on that ‘one time’ they were lucky. Also, a validity countdown timer helps to create scarcity and will nudge winners towards impulsive purchases.
  • Data capture
    People are more likely to enter their personal details to participate to the game. This is entirely possible with the Coupontools gamified coupons. Either require personal data to participate or only have winners fill out their details to redeem their prize. The choice is yours.
  • Brand awareness
    The Gamified Coupons designed with Coupontools give the business full control of the branding. Upload your logo, change the colors to your corporate identity. It provides your brand great exposure in a pleasant setting. That’s something that sticks in the players’ minds. It really helps you to improve your corporate image.
  • Experience
    Today’s marketing approaches are all about providing experiences and creating added value. Gamified Coupons perfectly respond to that. It’s not merely handing out discounts and have people purchase. No, you’re providing people a unique experience with your brand. This might be something even more valuable in the long term. 

What are other necessary features to successfully launch interactive marketing games?

  • Omnichannel distribution Gamification Platform to create Interactive Marketing Games without coding
    You shouldn't overlook this feature. It is necessary to have various built-in distribution methods to spread the gamified coupons among your audience quickly. Coupontools provides built-in email integrations, SMS integration, website integration, QR Code distribution, Landings page distribution, Social Media distribution...
  • Whitelabel
    As I mentioned before, the possibility to rebrand those gamified coupons to your corporate identity is vital. This way, you're sure that people associate your brand with the fun experience you provided or the prize they just won.

    Gamification Platform to create Interactive Marketing Games without coding
  • Secure validation methods
    You don't want people to play your coupon countless times. Especially not when you are handing out great prizes. This kind of fraud can be eliminated if you cooperate with an experienced partner on the scene. This way, you are guaranteed that people can only use your gamified coupons once. Otherwise, it can be very harmful to your business.

  • Automation possibilities
    The possibility to automate data transfers of your digital campaigns is a vital given as well. With Zapier and API calls, you can quickly transfer data generated with Coupontools to your favorite apps. Another significant asset is using marketing automation to automate the next steps after players completed a particular event or redeemed your coupon.

    Gamification Platform to create Interactive Marketing Games without coding
  • ROI calculation options
    Digital gamified coupons present you with a great 'Return on Investment' overview. You can precisely measure how many your average customer spends while using your digital coupon compared to the campaign you cost.


Bottom line:
Gamification and more specifically gamified coupons are a great way to enrich your current marketing efforts. It helps your business reach multiple business goals using one digital campaign. For example, by launching a digital gamified coupon, you boost your brand awareness, improve your corporate image, capture players' data, and stimulate purchases.

You should try it yourself. Create a trial account by pressing the button below and start creating digital scratch cards, spin wheel, memory games yourself!

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Gamification Platform to create Interactive Marketing Games without coding
Gamification Platform to create Interactive Marketing Games without coding
Gamification Platform to create Interactive Marketing Games without coding
Why you should implement gamification in your marketing strategy? Interactive Marketing Games boost conversions! 187 10187
5 out of 5 based on 217 user ratings.
Article published by: Coupontools

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