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Digital scratch cards to improve your restaurant's branding and raise conversions Digital scratch cards to improve your restaurant

Digital scratch cards to improve your restaurant's image and raise conversions

What are digital scratch cards? Digital Scratch&Win Coupon on a smartphone.
Everyone knows the traditional paper scratch cards and the fun and suspense it provides. However, digital scratch cards go beyond that. Digital scratch cards are digital gamified coupons where you need to scratch to win something. It's interactive, possible to capture data, and every step in the flow is trackable. 

Here's a live example of a digital scratch card!

Reasons to use digital scratch cards to improve your restaurant's conversions

  • Generate more traffic
    By distributing interactive digital scratch cards, your restaurant will generate more traffic. Customers love to play a game and the fun and suspense it provides. Especially when there are valuable discounts at stake. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that the discount should be valuable enough to make an effort to visit your restaurant and redeem the coupon.

    Digital Slot Machine Coupon attracts visitors to your restaurant.
  • Boost money spent value per person and boost sales
    Offer the customers digital scratch cards while they wait for their food. This will increase the customer experience and image of your restaurant. Think about customers who are waiting for their food. Offer them a digital scratch card and enrich the customer experience. Compared to traffic generating discounts, these discounts can be less valuable since they're already at the place. Let the participants win discounts such as 1$ for the next drink.

  • Improve your restaurant's brand awareness
    When customers like the experience at your restaurant, they will spread the word in their circle. When they do so, you've already improved your restaurant's brand awareness and image. When many customers spread the word, your restaurant will have a positive position in people's minds.

  • Improve the customer experience
    One of the main reasons to use digital scratch cards is to improve your restaurant's customer experience. Customer experience has become crucial for customers in all kinds of sectors. Treat customers well and offer them a good experience, and the odds rise of those people returning to your restaurant. Treat them the wrong way, and they won't return ever or, even worse, spread a negative word of mouth. One of the ways to offer customers a unique experience is by implementing digital scratch cards in your mobile marketing efforts.

  • Fear of missing out
    FOMO. Many people have already heard about it, but what is it exactly? It's in most humans' nature not to want to miss out on something unique. However, so many people have a fear of missing out. Respond to this by providing those people a chance to win a discount. Those people will redeem it right away because they don't want to miss out on the discount they won on their lucky day! 

  • Capture customer data
    While offering digital scratch cards, you can ask the customer to fill in a form. For example, customers need to fill in this form to be able to redeem their coupons. When you capture customer data, you can reach people who already interacted with your digital coupon campaigns. It's one of the best ways to kickstart a customer database and finetune your personalized marketing. 


Conclusion: why should you use digital scratch cards to boost conversions?
Digital scratch cards can be used for lots of reasons and are very convenient in almost every situation. For example, your restaurant can improve its image or increase its conversions by providing engaging digital scratch cards. 

Do you want to try it yourself? Create a free trial account and revolutionize your marketing today!

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Digital scratch cards to improve your restaurant
Digital scratch cards to improve your restaurant
Digital scratch cards to improve your restaurant's branding and raise conversions
How can digital scratch cards improve your restaurant's image and raise your conversions? 198 10198
4.5 out of 5 based on 228 user ratings.
Article published by: Coupontools

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