Mobile coupons and Apple's passbook integration Mobile coupons and Apple

Mobile coupons and Apple's passbook integrations

Apple gives consumers a whole new level of convenience with its mobile wallet app, Passbook. With the launch of iOS 6, Passbook comes default on the home screen of all iPhones and can be deeply embedded in a consumer's daily life. Additionally, passes in Passbook are time- and location-aware, allowing them to appear at the most contextually relevant time. Passbook gives users a whole new way to organize boarding passes, tickets, gift cards, and loyalty cards. You can bring up passes in your app with PassKit APIs, send them via email, or post them on the web. You can also set items to appear at certain times or locations and update items with push notifications.

How to create mobile PassBook coupons & capitalize on Apple Pay?
With the latest Apple iPhone and Apple Watch release, many new features and cool innovations came with the already iconic product along with the new wearable. One feature slightly skimmed over by many was the Apple Pay feature. This is something seen in recent years using other smartphones via something called Near Field Communications or NFC. But what else is in it for a business owner? How about being able to place your coupon in the consumer's mobile device right beside their new payment feature?

Features of Apple Passbook Coupons

  • Passbook Coupons are permissions based on giving the user a few ways to download the coupon via QR code or clickable link from email or SMS or webpage. If you are a marketing manager or business owner wanting to learn more about the capabilities of Apple Passbook here are a few really cool features that benefit you and the customer.
  • Mobile Coupons can be triggered via a devices location. A Passbook notification will appear if customers device appears within a designated proximity of an address. In older versions, the location notification did not make a noise when received this is a feature that may be updated in the future.
  • Passbook Coupons can be updated while in customers device. No need to send or a have downloaded multiple times. Apple Passbook Coupons can be updated with an option to notify the owner of the mobile device of the updated version.
  • Customize & Cap Amount Delivered. The coupons have the ability to be branded for your business and make your offer time or total amount downloaded sensitive for integrated specials and event delivery. Coupon Tracking & Point of Sale Integrations. Full tracking of downloaded mobile coupons and integrated barcodes can be placed for point of sale coupon scanning to help keep track of how all of your offers are doing.
  • Mobile Coupons can be triggered by iBeacon Technology. Apple iBeacon can receive messaging from Bluetooth low energy beacons. Passbook Coupons can be triggered to become available or a notifier appears to the mobile users when within feet of a designated area. For example; A customer gets notified of a special for frozen foods section while in or near the aisle. The low energy Bluetooth beacon or BLE is a device and can also be connected with a mobile application to transmit messages.

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Mobile coupons and Apple
Mobile coupons and Apple
Mobile coupons and Apple's passbook integration
Apple gives consumers a whole new level of convenience with its mobile wallet app, Passbook 24 10024
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